Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Randoms for the first day of school....

  • I'm not in school but my lil big brother is, starting Junior year in HS. Time has definitely flew.
  • So, I spent about 4 hrs in the emergency room yesterday to figure out why I have still been feeling sick & getting fevers: SHINGLES.
  • What's crazy about all this is that I've had the chicken pox 2 times as a kid and with me getting the tonsillitis, that virus woke up the chicken pox in my system.
  • Shingles fact: 1 in 5 people who have had chicken pox will get shingles. How the hell did I get chose?
  • This little girl from church whose hair I do, called my mother a total of 8 times in the past 4 days to try to get her hair done for school.... YESTERDAY. How rude is that? You wait until the holiday/last day because you were out of town. Whose to say I would have been in town?
  • Then her mother called my house to speak to my mother like I'm lying about being sick.
  • I swear I hate people. If I'm telling you I'm sick, guess what? I'M FUCKING SICK. Leave it at that.
  • The tonsillitis cleared up by the way. AWESOME.
  • That IV I had in hurt. (Yeah I'm a punk)
  • Watching AMTV (videos on MTV in the morning), this is so different from the MTV I watched when I was 10.
  • Hearing Anthony Kedis' voice is refreshing.... Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  • I'm going back to sleep since it's still early.

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