Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9.21.11 Random Thoughts

  • Finally updated my hair blog.. <---click that! It has pics!
  • That spot where I had my shingles rash feels funny. The doctor said that would happen, ugh.
  • I've applied to a couple holiday jobs, hopefully something pans out so I can have some regular money for a couple months.
  • I cleaned & rearranged my room last Friday. It's back to being messy all over again. Smh.
  • I love that I can get up & have to do NOTHING to my hair. Let's see how long that lasts.
  • I feel like I'm becoming more of a prude. That's a change I'm not sure I'm okay with.
  • I'm not saying I was/am Miss Lucy Goosey, but I'm very open about sex.
  • I feel like I have a stomach virus. This just needs to stop.
  • Just noticed that ever sentence before this one, except 2, start with I. I guess that's okay since I am talking about myself.
  • Ebony decided she would talk in 3rd person from this point forward.
  • Ebony gave someone the title of boyfriend, when that person isn't even her boyfriend. Why would she do such a thing?
  • She also said that she needs to change her toenail polish. Ebony stays doing her nails.
  • Is Ebony annoying you by speaking in 3rd person?
  • Okay, I'm done with that.
  • Doing my little cousin's hair tomorrow... Yay?

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