Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Update on my life!

6 days later....

Hi again! How are you? How's your family? How's your spleen? Was it affected by today's earthquake? Did it survive? Cool or awww, I'm sorry to hear that.

The family's DC trip was decent..... Except for Thursday night to Saturday when I got sick. Kept having fevers, barely ate, and my throat was hurting so bad. The trip ended Saturday afternoon when we made that long yet short voyage back to VA. So another 28/40 hours go by and finally I decided to go to the emergency room to find out I have tonsillitis. They hooked me up with some antibiotics, a steroid (for the swelling), and a numbing gel. That numbing gel is amazing. Been about 24 hours since I've been taking all the meds, and I feel a whole lot better. I can finally eat again. I will say that if I had medical insurance, they would of admitted me and removed both tonsils last night..... Sucks right?

Why do people state the obvious? Like in the ER, the nurse says while checking my temperature, "You do have a temp." Bitch I must have one if I walked in here with a fleece hoodie on, zipped all the way up. Then the doctor says "Your tonsils look gross & like they hurt really bad". No duh, dick. Why else would I be in here?

OH! Forgot to take pics most of our DC trip since I was sick for most of it.. And the infamous family reunion was really lame.... I would say it was uneventful, but Friday night we hooked up with my cousins and my mother got drunk off of some homemade Sangria. My grandmother (mother's mom) called us alcoholics because we had some drinks & that we should sleep there because we were drunk. Saturday after dinner with the entire family, I chilled with my cousin & my aunt (the abusive one).. These fools had me drinking Absolut 100. Devil's piss burns so bad, never will I ever drink that again. And my aunt had parking lot car sex from what I think was going down before I decided to leave. Sunday afternoon, my grandma talked ever more shit about drinking and how we got home since we were oh so drunk. I just looked at her, thinking "Even if I was drunk, I would never drive compared to someone who has been paralyzed for 2 almost 3 years and can barely walk."

Outside of being sick for about a week, an uneventful family trip & family reunion; I must say the last week or so has been decent. Now I need to spice my last week of summer up with a piercing or something.. Don't know what I want to do for sure yet...

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