Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not so random thoughts for 8/16/11

  • DC trip is tomorrow and I haven't packed. FML.
  • Sunday night, "lust" called & invited me to see him perform on Monday. The fact that he called, not FB message but CALLED had me excited.
  • Monday night, I went to see him perform & it was bawse. Even though I went dolo, I had a good time.
  • Last day of babysitting and I'm excited!
  • My sister is coming back to VA for the week. We are gonna do some hoodrat things all week, we have to.
  • Writing out all these directions since my printer still doesn't have ink. YAY.
  • Somebody come pack for me. I'll pay you in fried chicken & rice.
  • I may have another babysitting gig when I get back from DC. 2 kids this time though.
  • Seriously, the smallest things make me happy & turn me on.
  • Somebody pay my cellphone bill & buy me a round trip train ticket to NYC.
  • After babysitting this little baby, I don't want kids as much.. Then again, my children won't be this spoiled.
  • The family reunion was ok. A lot of funny stuff went down. I'll blog about it later.
  • That 1 blue motorcycle I had last night @ the club had me bent. I'm such a lightweight.

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