Thursday, August 11, 2011

8.11.11 Random Thoughts

  • What's today?! THURSDAY!!! Idk why I feel so blah.
  • That last one was a lie, waking up at 5:30am to watch a cranky, spoiled baby is why I feel so lethargic.
  • Yeah, I said lethargic.
  • Tomorrow is going to be full of baby vomit, free HD cable, and close relatives. I really can't wait for that family get together.
  • I talked to "Like" last night.. :D :D
  • Why did the baby I watch have on the same outfit he had on yesterday? How can you not wash your baby?
  • I totally under-charged these folks for watching their kid 8.5 hrs a day, for 5 days should equal way more than $20/day.
  • I'm too nice sometimes. It's a gift & curse.
  • Why do parents call to talk to a baby that can not respond back? Like that makes no sense at all!
  • I have to stop saying like in front of everything. It's annoying.
  • I want to make a random photo montage of myself. Is that vain?
  • I need some olive oil so I can go back to oil pulling.
  • I may delete my Tumblr.
  • The DC trip is going to just be the DC trip next week.. No NYC this summer for me at all. FML ;( :(
  • I'll be doing a photo post of this weekend's events with the fam.. That is if I don't forget my camera.
  • JUST FIGURED OUT WHAT SONG MY SISTER WAS ASKING ME ABOUT LAST NIGHT!!! The mystery is solved now. Case closed.

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