Friday, June 24, 2011

Begging & pleading.....

For the buns. It's not sexy, cute, endearing, or anything. It's plain old annoying. And the one reason why it's annoying is because it's not from the person I want it to be from. Matter of fact, that was said all wrong. The person I want it to be from doesn't even have to beg, he doesn't even have to ask, it's just here waiting for him when he's ready. Now the other guy thinks begging, calling me all crazy (repeatedly for an hour after 1am) is going to make me give in & give him what he wants. If I wanted it, I would tell him. His begging isn't going to make my panties fall off any faster & I wish he could see that because the ignoring, cold shoulder, and rudeness is not getting thru his thick skull.

How would you handle someone begging for the sex and you don't want to have sex with them?

1 comment:

  1. I never understood how dudes could play themselves like that. If it was me I'd make em do some humiliating ho ass shit, but im an asshole tho. *shrugs*
