Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is this impossible?!

Talking to my mother & first lady (of my church) today, I realized a couple things that I need to make happen like IMMEDIATELY!
  1. I'm 25 & I want to get married!!
  2. I want to have my first child by 30.
  3. I need to be dating someone who wants the same things as me.
First Lady told me that most men know pretty soon how the relationship is going to go (i.e. if he wants to marry a woman, just get some butt, or nothing at all). Then she said, it takes about 6 months of dating someone to know if there is a future or not with that person. That all makes sense, but how do I get to this point because I'm not dating anyone seriously right now. I would love to be, especially if we click & have so much in common.

I feel like I need to be out here dating, try to find someone who wants the same things I want, and lock that down; eventually have a long engagement (2 to 3 years, unless he suggests something different), travel as a couple, then by the time I'm 30 try to have our first child. Is that impossible?

We also talked about how men these days & in my age bracket aren't use to commitment. I can't say that I am either since I never had a long term relationship, then again why should I? I'm only 25, I need to be out here having fun and enjoying life.. But again, I would love to be doing that with my future husband right now. A question I ask myself normally is should I be more aggressive when I see a man I am interested in? I'm aggressive when I need to be, but being the aggressor isn't my type of role. I do think I'm forward, but only when I'm comfortable. Do men like aggressive & forward women or is that emasculating?

I just feel so left out because everyone close to me is dating someone seriously, already having babies, enjoying the true adult life and I'm just in limbo. I want babies!!! And a husband!!


  1. I can kinda relate but it feels like young women try to force this a little too much, when its ready itll happen.

  2. I understand that, but I think I'm just being impatient and wanting it to happen sooner than later. Like I can feel my biological clock just winding down lol.. One thing I won't do is force anything to happen that shouldn't happen.
