Monday, February 7, 2011

You learn as you see.. Right?

A little back story: Recently, my sister told me that my grandparents said that all of us (my sister, myself, & cousins) are all under achievers.

Speed up to the past week or so..... I was thinking, why are we such "under achievers"? Then I immediately looked at our parents, my mother is now a college graduate & father a blue collar worker. Now they both were young when they started a family (18/19), but in the 80s that was okay because the cost of living was much cheaper than it is now. The only thing I can say my parents taught me when it comes to being a great adult is to NOT start a family when you aren't financially stable & to work hard.

But is working hard all we need to do to get somewhere in life? Because I think I worked pretty hard (until recently) and gained hella debt in the same time. They didn't teach us great financial responsibility. And the school system sure didn't.

Basically what I'm saying is that we are under achievers because our parents are. They graduated high school, some attempted college, few graduated college, & had families. (Can't say successful marriages because I'm a child of divorce + 2 failed re-marriages). I guess at 25, I can change this and make sure I'm the best me that I could & wished to be. So in April, I'll start.. For now, I'll loaf around in my depression and devise a plan.

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