Thursday, October 27, 2011

Randomness for October?

Okay, I'm going to try to sum up this month in this 1 post without it being too long.... And here we go!

  • First couple of weeks sucked: I looked for work & just chilled.
  • Went to NY for 2 weeks & it was decent.
  • Came back home and tried to get back in the groove of things but that took a week or so.
  • My best friend move to NJ & invited me to move in with him. Seriously thinking about taking up his offer.
  • Still having the want & desires to make clothes. Btw, I went to the now famous Mood Fabric Store in NY & fell in complete love with it.
  • As of now, I'm still looking for work & getting kinda desperate for money since the holidays are coming around.
  • Thanksgiving in NY and I'm beyond hype about that.

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