Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Selfish or Not?

I know everyone heard about President Obama & the health care reform where he extended coverage for children up to the age of 26. You don't have to be a full time college student anymore to be on your parents insurance. That was just awesome when I heard about it.

Now, I'm 24 yrs old, unemployed & living at home. I DO NOT have health insurance. Why? Because my mother (who can add me at any time because I am well qualified to be covered) thinks that she shouldn't have to pay extra to have me on her policy. Yet, she is willing to pay for some weight loss supplement that costs $300. I'm guessing my health means nothing to her, but her losing weight trumps that... I know that its her money & she can do what she damn well pleases, but this is just selfish.

Eh, I haven't had insurance since the day after my 21st bday.. Another year or so won't kill me, right?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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