Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goals for 2011

I didn’t make any New Year Resolutions, just personal promises that will be fulfilled. My main ones include: taking care of my hair, caring less about things I shouldn’t care about, finding myself & my happiness, and keeping a journal.

So far I came up with (thought about) the ways I can keep up with my hair & I think I'm going to start a hair journal/blog.

Caring less is really easy. I'm just going to keep up my "IDGAF" mentality & hopefully that will be good enough.

Finding myself & my happiness will kind of go hand in hand with writing in my journal. I've heard writing your feelings & thoughts down will help you realize things in yourself you may have never known about yourself. I'm just hoping that will really work for me.

Good luck to you all & your goals, resolutions, etc.

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