Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'd make someone happy.. Right?

I guess you can call me the Serial Single Lady.. I haven't had 1 real serious relationship or at least what I would consider serious (Together 2 years+) and that makes me wonder am I the reason or was it the guys..

During my times of self reflection, I think I'm a great catch.. I'm everything the next girl isn't.. I don't nag, I give my boo space, I give him love, I know my boundaries, and I give all of me.. So far so good right? Well to add to my list of pros: I cook, clean (sometimes), pay for my own stuff, and put it down in the bedroom.. Sounds good right? And to top it off, I'm not crazy.. No slashing tires, no disrespecting your parents, etc.. Well why in the hell am I single?!!

Most of the guys I dated before weren't in it for the long run or just weren't right... Someone told me a while back, it's not my time to be in a relationship.. So it makes me think, wtf am I supposed to do until the right one comes? Cuz I know going to look for him isn't going to make him come faster.. Guess I'll just wait my turn right?!

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