Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Shallow Am I?!

A few facts about me:
  1. I'm not a college graduate but I think I'm very smart in certain things.
  2. I'm no better than the next person, but I hold myself up high.
  3. I'm broke & in need of a job.
With that last one, I can't work anywhere.. This is where the shallowness comes in at. I refuse to be 23, going on 24 working at Wal Mart, Burger King, some grocery store, or Busch Gardens. I'm not saying others in my situation are worst off, but for me.. I can't do it. I'm too smart and have too much experience to work at any of those places.. My mom & sister feel like since I'm hard up for money, working anywhere is an option.. I'm the type of person that if I'm not happy working somewhere it shows in my work.. Shit I've been fired from a job because I didn't want to be there so I started showing up late.. How stupid right?! Not to me.. IDK what I should do, but what I want to do is find a position that is cool for the moment, stack some bread, then carry my ass back to NY..


  1. Lol. That's tough. What is it that you have such experience in? I must know.

  2. I'm late as fuck, but I have administrative experience, 6 years worth.. But now it's getting to the point where I need money, so out the window goes the feeling of "being too good" for the places I listed before.
