Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This week already sucks!!

Okay it's only Wednesday but the week thus far is in the shitter.. I pissed my boo off by saying something that should of never been said to your soon to be/current significant other; haven't done any hair/make any money; & I haven't found a job.. OH! On top of that, my big cousin is performing in NYC this weekend, and guess who is going to miss his show... Again?! You guessed it!!
I feel like a fuckin loser..
I know great things come to those who wait, but I've been out of a job for a month now.. How much longer do I have?! I already decided to wait until the Fall to go back to school since I have to get my taxes straight, but that's only 1 thing off my plate for now.. Mom dukes is looking for help with bills & I don't have it.. It's not like I'm not trying, nothing is coming back to me.. I guess it's time to just go get whatever I can to support myself again & my dream position will come..

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