Thursday, August 2, 2012

Common courtesies..

It's the small things in life that mean so much to me, for example: having good manners, being on time, being aware of your surroundings.. Recently, I've noticed that some people just don't care. I babysit for my neighbor and this woman has no idea how much it pisses me off that I come at the scheduled time and she either leaves late or comes back late, messing up my time/plans. I understand, you can't always be on time.. But is it that hard to try to be? She doesn't even let me know she'll be back late until it's the time she was supposed to come back. That's just rude.

Then an hour ago, I did a friend's hair. He didn't tell me how he wanted it done, so I did something simple and quick. It was very neat and plain. He pays, leaves my house, to go where ever to post on Facebook & Twitter that he needs his hair done like I didn't just do it. How rude? If you didn't like what I did before you left my house, why didn't you say so? Why didn't you tell me how you would like it in the first place? You're a paying customer for a service I'm providing; so why wouldn't you say anything?!

I really feel like some people are jerks and don't care. It's just in their nature, but I'm not a jerk (at least not on purpose) and I hate for people to treat me like that.. *sigh* Tis life I suppose..

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