Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Use To Be A Hustla..

Before this bought with depression, anxiety, and unemployment; I use to be one money making chica. I worked a full time job and did hair on the side every chance I got. Ran to NY every chance I got because money wasn't a issue. Even had a guy who hated the fact that I didn't give him the attention and time he wanted, when I really was. (Went to work, braided hair, and went to see him during the witching hour which was perfect since he would be getting off work at that time.) I miss those days so much. I'm looking for a real job because this babysitting shit is so in the way, I want and need more money to live this lifestyle I somehow created for myself. Yeah, I'm living at home but I would love to be on my own, in my own space, doing whatever I please. I wonder what happened to my hustler ambition, it just disappeared over the last 2 years..

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