Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Update on life 5.30.12

  • Looking for a job in VA, NY, and NJ. I don't even know why, getting a job out here these days is harder than concrete.
  • I'm about 99.5% done with men. Some recent findings have really killed my hope for love and even more.
  • I will say that I am in heavy like with this one guy but I have small doubts because of someone else. That's okay sometimes right? (I know it isn't but shit happens when someone deceives & hurt you.)
  • I would love to stop talking about this topic, but it's been one of the reasons for my slight step back into depression recently. 
  • Been doing hair like a crazy lady trying to fund a trip to NYC for a couple days/weeks. It was just a couple months back that I couldn't even stand to do anyone else's hair but I am.
  • I turned 26 in April and I feel like I have accomplished nothing in life... 
On another note, I've been neglecting my sewing machine. (Matter of fact, I have a shirt I need to finish on the table right now) When I was in NY back in April, I got some material to make some leggings but forgot to bring it home. My new crafting love is making place mat clutch bags. Check this out:

Dear Married Women,

As a fellow woman I beg of you to not lose your way just because you are now "comfortable in your married life". Don't stop taking care of your hair, nails, and body just because you snagged one for life. You are now in a pair, how you look reflects on your spouse and vice versa. I'm not saying be dolled up every second, of every single day; but make it look like you care about how you look.

Now as a single woman, looking to be married; your husbands are noticing the little things that we singles are doing and probably wishing that you still did them like keeping our toes and nails done, how our hair is done, etc. It's the little things that we do, that make married men have a wandering eye or penis.

Looking for a job is a job!

Filling out applications alone is a task. The stress from not hearing back from the places you applied to, calling the businesses to check the status of your application and getting the run around. All are things that are work related stress issues. The upside is that I've had 2 interviews in the past 2 weeks and I didn't get the first one. I seriously think my "ethnic hairstyle" was the reason for that and I have yet to hear anything back from this last one. I hope I get this one because it's right up my alley with positions I've held before.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I have issues.

I randomly sat down with my mother today and talked about my problems with dating and serious relationships.  I've came to the conclusion that I sabotage my relationships for no apparent reason, choose the wrong guys because I'm a glutton for punishment, and idk how to just date. Isn't the first step to recovery admitting you have a problem? 11 more steps to go, right?