Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Random Thoughts 12.20.11

- I was talking to my ex & he totally judged me for being a different woman now. He says when we were dating, cooking & cleaning was the last thing on my mind. I'm allowed to change, right?
- I'm excited to be cooking Christmas & New Year's dinner. Wish we were having some company though.
- I found my purple pen, so now I can write my pen pal.
- Christmas is 5 days away & I'm only excited about watching "A Christmas Story" & "Elf"; using my sewing machine, & cooking.
- Lipstick is a new love. Especially pink ones since I've gotten lighter with the cold weather.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011

My new love: Thrifting.

I have recently started visiting thrift stores & have found some greaaaat pieces! When my sister was here this past week, we went to our local Goodwill & she picked up a Nikon camera for $10.50 (and it works perfectly), a Nike workout vest for $5.00, and a Starter pullover for $6.00. Earlier in the week we went to another thrift store and we got a Chaps mens sweater for $6.00, a vintage Wrangler jean jacket for $4.00, a sweater from the 80s (she absolutely loves it btw), and some other things I can't remember.

My only dilemma is that I never find pieces that I need in my closet or that can be a re-vamp project. Hopes that changes since I have my sewing machine now.
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Update on life.

* My mother has been out of work for just about 2 months with tendinitis & I've been taking care of her. She's milking this cow to the bone.
* I GOT MY SEWING MACHINE!! WalMart had it on sale for Black Friday for $50. Can we say SCORE?!!
* I seriously can't wait to create pieces. I have all these ideas in my head & I can not wait to make them tangible!
* A couple weeks back I brought some 10 inch weave & sewed it in.... I took it out the next day because my real hair was about 2 inches longer than it. I'm in hair length denial.
* I have not 1 plan for New Year's Eve and it kind of makes me sad.
* My new motto for 2012: No obstacle is too big.

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I was originally going to name this entry '2013 & I'm out of here!', but I was recently inspired. For the longest, I've been talking about leaving Virginia for New York or anywhere honestly. I always find some reason as to why I can't leave right now or in the near future and sometimes they are legit reason, but last night my sister's friend completely inspired me to do it! He said & I quote "I went to NY with a bag & $40. I haven't came back home for anything since!". Shocked & amazed, I felt like such a fool for making all these excuses as to why I couldn't just uproot myself & leave. I have family I could stay with, a hustle that is legal & produces a decent amount of money, and the determination to not want to stay in this state (physically & mentally)any longer. As soon as my mom is back to 110%, I'm doing it! No obstacle is too big! (That's my 2012 motto).
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